created by Phoebe A

2 Mar 2010


1 comment:

  1. There's a lot of great reference material embedded with your own work, which is interesting on 'abject' concerns. The link between playful/architectural/private could generate a good essay. There's no mention of Constant's architecture which might bring some of tehse ideas together. Gordon-Matta Clark also ran small alternative space [ 'Food'] at the time of New York 60s/70s Flux. How do you see the essay working? You can subtract a kind of 'silence' [like John Cage's 4"33'] from the information, that also relates silence to 'shadows' and to Khan's shadowy re-presentations of Becker works. The non-plan architectures of Cedric Price [ playful] never built. There's a way through the material, but you need to isolate some of the references when you feel they can't be critically inclusive. But another way is to compare the ideologies and use examples. Is Rachel Whiteread's an alternative architecture? Is it a kind of 'silence'? or 'shadow'? What relates these references together? Peter
